Monday, August 1, 2011

From The Edge of the Chasm

It was a foggy, raining morning on May 9, 1980. A span of the  Sunshine Bridge over Tampa Bay collapsed after being hit by the freighter Summit Venture. Thirty-five people, including 26 who died when the Greyhound bus they were riding in toppled into the bay 150 feet below. Richard Hornbuckle was driving his car and saw the open span. He was able to slide to a stop 14 inches from topping over into the waters. Can you imagine the horror he, and his three passengers, must have experienced as they realized that other cars would plummet into the chasm and no warnings he could give would prevent the tragedy.

This week, as we continue Looking at Eternity, we explored the subject of hell. It is been a much debated topic recently with the release of Pastor Rob Bell's book Love Wins. Bell explores the question, "Is God too loving and gracious to allow people to go to hell?" While Bell doesn't necessarily expressly state the doctrine of Universalism (the belief that all individuals will ultimately be reconciled to God; therefore everyone will go to heaven), he does raise the strong possibility of its truth. 

As we explored the concept of hell in our study this Sunday, I tried to answer three questions: 1) What did Jesus have to say about hell; 2) Who will go to hell; and, 3) what will the consequences of eternity in hell mean. 

It is my hope that as we explore the concept of hell; it will stir our hearts to lead people to the Christ who will free them from a future in hell.

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