Thursday, September 29, 2011

Your Reaction Reveals Your Attitude

Yesterday, we looked at the attitudinal difference between the Pharisee and the prostitute. Today, we are going to look at the Pharisee's reaction to the entrance of the woman into the story in contrast to Jesus' reaction.

The Pharisee is self-rightous, condemning the woman.  But Jesus immediately begins to defend the woman. Luke 7:39 says, “The Pharisee who invited Jesus says, “If this man [Jesus] were a prophet he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner.”

The Pharisee reduced the woman's entire life to one label...a sinner. There is no attempt to try to see why the woman had become a prostitute. He completely avoids her sexual scars and relational pains. When Jesus looked at her, He saw a little girl that probably dreamed of being a princess when she grew up. He saw a young teenager nervously going out on her first date. He saw the abuse she had experienced, the hurts she had endured, and the scorn she had been shown. Sure Jesus could see who she was, but more importantly, He saw what she could become.

As the Pharisee condemned the woman, Jesus immediately turned to her defense. For the first time in a a long time, the woman a male who was defending her, and more importantly, someone who valued her.

Yesterday we looked at the difference between a religious Pharisee and a redeemed sinner. Today let's look at the difference between a religious Pharisee and Jesus.  People steeped in religion are always writing people off...Jesus is always writing people in. Pharisees focus on the past. Jesus focuses on the future.

This Pharisee said, “A prophet would know what kind of woman she is.” He was wrong! A prophet wouldn’t just know what kind of woman she is. A prophet would know what kind of woman she could become!

Regardless of our past, regardless of our failures, Jesus always focuses on what we can become! That's the gospel!

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