Friday, September 30, 2011

He Can Rewrite Your Life Story

As we conclude our look at the Pharisee and the Prostitute in Luke 7, listen to the wonderful words of Jesus to the the woman in verse 50: “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” This woman enters the room experiencing scorn, rejection, and ridicule. When she entered the room, the future of her life story looked much like the previous chapters...abuse, brokenness, and loneliness.

But an amazing thing happens during the minutes she spends in the Pharisees house as she kneels at the feet of Jesus. Jesus re-wrote the ending to her story... “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” She may have entered the room in humiliation; she is leaving in peace. She entered the room broken and lost; she is leaving saved.

Hebrews 12:2 encourages us: “Fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of your faith.” When we look at the story of our lives, Jesus is the Author. And when He has the editorial rights to our lives, He is a master at re-writing the script of our lives. Just look at a few examples in the Gospels:

John 5 tells about a man who had been lame for over 30 years. Everyone knows how his story will end. He will die an invalid, begging for a meager existence to survive. Men who are lame for three decades don't start walking...unless the Author of our faith shows up! One command from the Author and this man's life story was rewritten for ever!

Luke 7 also tells the story of a funeral procession where a widow had lost her son. Everyone knows where this story is headed. The final chapter of funeral processions end up in graveyards...unless the Author of our faith shows up! Jesus touches the casket, and the boy comes back to life. The mother and the son's life story was completely rewritten!

Remember the thief on the cross. He has committed a crime worthy of death. He is paraded through Jerusalem as a horrible criminal. He is nailed to a cross. This story will end in shame and humiliation...unless the Author of our faith shows up! One promise of eternal life and the thief's story is rewritten for eternity.

As we conclude this week's study of the Gospel, the Good News is this...Jesus wants to rewrite the story of your life. Whether broken relationships, financial turmoil, physical infirmity, or spiritual gloom, the Author is ready to take pen in hand and rewrite the script of your life! Will you let him?

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