Wednesday, July 27, 2011

No More

Often, when we try to describe heaven, we attempt to give a visual description of the amazing beauty of this wonderful place. Streets of gold, walls of jasper, gates of pearl...the most precious things of earth are so common they are used as building material in heaven!

However when John (who, by the way, actually had a vision of heaven) tried to describe it, he spent a significant amount of time talking about what won't be there. Read Revelation 21:4: "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain...."Can you imagine it?

No more tears; no more death; no more mourning or crying or pain! Think about what is stressing you right more! Think about what is hurting right more! Think about what is stealing your sleep at more! Wow! As I told our church this past Sunday, "No more debt-ceiling arguments and partisanship. No more Republicans, no more Democrats, no more Tea-Partiers, no more Presidents, no more Congressmen, no more...." Right now, that is a blissful thought, isn't it?

Have you ever lost someone that you love, and you know the emptiness that goes with it? No more death, ever again. Have you ever been burned by someone and you find it difficult to trust.  No more sin in relationships. No more children going to be at night hungry. No more poverty. No more disease. No more genocide. No more AIDS.  Do we even dare imagine a world without those pains?

And the most amazing thought is this. Any tear that you shed, for whatever reason, God, Himself, will personally wipe away those tears.

Getting homesick yet?

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