Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Life Happens

It seems as though the difficult events of life, more times than not, catch us by surprise! We don't wake up in the morning thinking that we'll have an automobile wreck, or discover we are being caught in our companies down-sizing decisions, or discover our spouse is seeing someone else. Most of us have had days where something tragic hit us out of nowhere.

Whatever the event, the reality happens. And when it does, sometimes it knocks the wind out of our dreams, hopes, and ambitions. Is is possible to keep your dreams alive when life sucker punches you? I believe so. But I believe to do so, you have to be willing to let other people into your life. God never intended for us to do life alone.

David's relationship with his friend Jonathan was a source of encouragement and strength as Jonathan's manic-depressive father, Saul would honor David one day and try to kill him the next. David's "mighty men" enabled David to do amazing things even while on the run from Saul. They (David and his mighty men) all could have achieved a lot on their own, but they achieved far more as a group than they ever could have accomplished on their own. David knew he needed them if he was 
going to accomplish what God had called him to do.

As Perry Noble writes in his book Unleash: "We never become who God wants us to be or accomplish all He wants us to accomplish by ourselves. We all need the support of other believers to help us live out God's unleashing grace.

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