Monday, April 15, 2013

Archimedes and Grace

In the 3rd Century B.C., a Greek mathematician put to paper a formula to explain why ships float and rocks sink. Using the concepts of buoyancy and gravity, Archimedes provided a mathematical calculation to explain a concept that had been in existence since the beginning of time. Archimedes didn't invent the principle, he merely identified it. And while we don't give Archimedes Principle much though, we leverage it millions of times every day as we set sail in boats from canoes to battleships.

Now this is important. Andy Stanley says it this way: "...I have never met anyone who thinks that God is in heaven indiscriminately deciding what sinks and what floats. I’ve never met anyone who has prayed, “God, we have created this ship, and we ask that you help it float.” We don’t think that way, because we understand the principle. If we adhere to the principle, what we make will float every single time. God created a principle, and we leverage it all the time. You can leverage it and benefit from it, or you can ignore it and pay a price."

This week, we are going to study a Biblical principle, that like Archimedes principle, can easily slide into the peripheral of our thoughts, yet it works every single day of our lives. And the same thing is true of this principle. It works every time. It is neither good nor just is. It is the reason when someone acts irresponsibility it catches up with them. It is also the reason when someone acts responsibly, they eventually experience a harvest.

The principle? Let me allow the Apostle Paul to tell you: "A man reaps what he sows" (Galatians 6:7). Like Archimedes’s principle, you can leverage this principle for good things, or you can ignore it and pay the consequences. It's not a good or a bad principle, it just is...every single time. "God is not against you: He’s not sitting up in heaven always deciding to punish you or bless you. Instead, God has given us this awesome principle that we can leverage to our advantage." It really is a part of his grace!

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