Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Bible Miniseries Week Three Discussion Questions

This week we are going to drill down on the section of the broadcast that dealt with Daniel. Daniel and his friends were downtrodden, unfortunate, and even persecuted. He was an educated teenager from a noble family in Jerusalem. His city was destroyed and who knows what happened to his family. He was marched off in Babylon. A future was derailed. So much potential wasted.

Maybe you know similar times. Times when you were downtrodden, unfortunate or even persecuted. It is only natural at such times to feel like a victim. But from all indications, Daniel never felt that way. Though it would have been perfectly understandable in such circumstances, his situation did not produce a victim. Instead, Daniel remained faithful, and became a victor.

1.  As you watched the portion of the broadcast about Daniel being in the Lion's den, who came across as a victim to you? Who came across as victorious?

2. How do you think you would have acted similarly or differently from Daniel's reaction to the lions' den?

Read Daniel 6:1-24

3.  By the time of the incidents depicted in the broadcast, Daniel would have been an exile in Babylon for decades. Yet verse 10 says that when he prayed, he opened the windows that faced Jerusalem. What do you think that indicates about Daniel?

4.  Who did Daniel credit for his deliverance in verse 22?

5.  How does verse 24 counter any suspicion that Daniel's deliverance could have been from natural causes?

6.  Throughout this incident was Daniel a victim? a victor? First one, then the other?

7.  Do you see any parallels between your situation and Daniel's?

8.  Is there any obstacle or threat you face right now? If so, how can you apply Daniel's story to your circumstances?

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