Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Appreciating God's Grace

How do we keep from giving in to the rebellion of the Prodigal or the self-righteousness of the Older Brother. Let me close this week's study by giving you two suggestions.

First, remember the uniqueness of the Gospel message. It is a resignation of our own attempts to find fulfillment in the far country or in our obedient behavior. Either attempt will leave us empty and lost. The uniqueness of grace is that we can never find our God-ordained destiny through either journey. The world will leave us empty. Self-righteousness will leave us deceived. Neither leads to fulfillment. Only the grace of  God can lead us to our destiny.

Secondly, remember the vulnerability of Jesus. Verses 1, 2 of Luke 15 tells us that the whole reason this story is told is because of the muttering of the Pharisees over Jesus having fellowship with people they considered to be unacceptable. They are Jesus' mortal enemies. They are out to, and eventually will, crucify Him. Yet, when Jesus tells of the Father going out to plead with the older brother to come in and celebrate, He is showing His remarkable love for even the Pharisees. For in essence, He is telling them, "I am here to plead with you...come in and enjoy the Father's celebration!" Even though they want to kill Him, He is reaching out in love to them.

This love toward His enemies made Him vulnerable and cost Him his life. On the cross, instead of cursing His enemies, He lovingly took the penalty of their sins on Himself.  Knowing what He has done for us will rid us of our self-righteousness. We were so sinful He had to die for us. But we were so loved that He was glad to die for us. That takes away both the pride and the fear that makes us elder brothers.

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