Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Get On The Right Road

It seems so simple...if you want to get to a desired destination, you have to be on a road that leads to that destination. Good intentions will not get you where you want to go if you are on the wrong road. We all know it's true. But so many people think they will be the exception.

The Bible says that Naomi received word that the famine had ended in Bethlehem, and Ruth 1:7 we are told:  “With her two daughters-in-law she left the place where had been living and set out on the road that would take them back to the land of Judah.”

When we set out on the road that will take us where we want to go, it is important to remember that it is a journey. We want instant results, to move from bad to blessed overnight. Most of the time, it doesn't happen that way. The first action step that Naomi took to turn her bad situation better was to set out! She put some distance from the bad situation she was in and the place of praise she wanted to be. There is some distance you must travel in order to get out of the place where you've been living and get to the place where you want to be. It's a process. And the first step is to get on the road.

I love the way Andy Stanley puts in his book "The Principle of the Path". If you live in Chattanooga and decide to go to Florida, you can pack on the right stuff, have every intention of going to the beach, and even be excited about the trip. But if you get on Interstate 75 north, no matter how good your intentions are, no matter how excited you are about the trip, you will never get to Florida. To get to the destination you want, you have to get on the right road.

So let me encourage you today to take a good look at the road you are traveling. Look at the decisions you are making. Take a look at your daily schedule and your checkbook. If those things indicate you are making choices to keep leading you from bad to worse...it's time to get on another road. Set out on the road back to Judah...back to praise...back to blessing.

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